Use "orchestrate|orchestrated|orchestrates|orchestrating" in a sentence

1. With Valenti's arrival in Hollywood, the pair were lifelong allies, and together orchestrated and controlled how Hollywood would conduct business for the next several decades.

A Hollywood, Valenti et Wasserman, qui resteront alliés pendant toute leur vie, orchestreront et contrôleront la manière dont Hollywood conduira ses affaires dans les décennies suivantes.

2. Of course, the public image of most celebrities is often little more than an elaborate fiction, a carefully orchestrated scheme designed to hide flaws, to invite adulation and, above all, to sell!

Bien entendu, l’image publique de la plupart des célébrités n’est souvent qu’un savant déguisement, un habile maquillage destiné à susciter l’admiration et, surtout, à faire vendre.